Certificate in API Test Automation

The API Test Automation Certificate Program teaches beginners essential skills in API testing and automation. It focuses on APIs’ role in software, emphasizing automated testing to ensure functionality, reliability and security through hands-on learning and practical applications.

Course Description

The Certificate Program in API Test Automation is crafted for beginners looking to gain hands-on skills in API testing and automation. This program covers the essentials of API (Application Programming Interface) testing, focusing on the role APIs play in software applications and how automated testing can ensure their functionality, reliability and security.

  • Understand and implement basic API test cases.
  • Gain familiarity with popular API testing tools and environments.
  • Learn the fundamentals of creating automated test scripts.
  • Obtain insights into integrating API testing with broader software development and deployment practices.

This program is ideal for individuals with a basic understanding of software development or manual testing but does not require prior programming experience. It prepares students for roles in software testing, quality assurance, and automation engineering, with a particular focus on API reliability in applications.

Module 1: Introduction to API Testing (4 hours)

Overview of APIs and Web Services

  • What is an API? REST vs. SOAP
  • JSON, XML basics

Importance of API Testing

  • Comparison with UI testing
  • Benefits in software development lifecycle

API Test Lifecycle

  • Types of API testing: functional, load, security
Module 2: Core Concepts in API Test Automation (6 hours)

HTTP Basics

  • HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
  • Status codes and headers

Understanding REST API Basics

  • REST principles
  • RESTful endpoints and resources
Module 3: Postman for API Testing (8 hours)

Introduction to Postman

  • Installation and setup
  • Basic UI walkthrough

Creating and Sending Requests

  • Building test cases with GET, POST, PUT, DELETE

Assertions in Postman

  • Basic assertions
  • Adding scripts for automated testing

Working with Collections and Environments

Module 4: Introduction to Automation Frameworks (8 hours) 

Introduction to JavaScript or Python Basics (whichever is preferred for automation framework)

Setting Up Postman for Automation

  • Postman automation features
  • Using Newman for running collections in CI/CD

Creating Simple Automated Test Scenarios

Module 5: API Test Automation with REST Assured (10 hours)

Introduction to REST Assured (Java) or equivalent framework in Python

Setting Up REST Assured Project

  • Setting up Maven project
  • Introduction to libraries and dependencies

Writing Basic API Test Scripts

  • Building tests with REST Assured
  • Assertions, data parsing, and response validation

Parameterization and Data-Driven Testing

Module 6: Mocking APIs and Testing in Isolation (6 hours)

Introduction to Mock Servers

Creating Mock APIs for Testing Scenarios

Practicing Isolated Testing Without Backend Dependencies

Module 7: CI/CD Integration for API Testing (4 hours)

Overview of CI/CD Basics

Integrating API Tests into CI/CD Pipelines

  • Using Jenkins or GitHub Actions to run automated tests
  • Setting up notifications and reporting
Module 8: Capstone Project & Final Assessment (2 hours)

Designing an API Test Plan

Creating Automated Test Cases

Running the Automated Test Suite and Presenting Results

The delivery method for this certification is entirely online, requiring candidates to have access to a personal computer.

Sinhala and Simple English

60 Hours
2 Hours, 3 Days per week
Rs 60,000/= 

How to Apply

Tell us a little about yourself and we’ll help with the rest. Our convenient online application tool only takes 10 minutes to complete.

After you submit your application, an admissions representative will contact you and will help you to complete the process.

Once you’ve completed your application and connected with an admissions representative, you’re ready to create your schedule.

How To Apply

Your Application

Tell us a little about yourself and we’ll help with the rest. Our convenient online application tool only takes 10 minutes to complete.

Our Response

After you submit your application, an admissions representative will contact you and will help you to complete the process.

Your Journey

Once you’ve completed your application and connected with an admissions representative, you’re ready to create your schedule.


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